Cancer Care Patient Stories

Life Restored

Hearing the word “cancer” can bring someone’s world to a stop.

But at Ballad Health, we’re committed to fighting by our patients’ sides every step of the way, both medically and emotionally, until cancer is a distant memory.

Read and watch stories about survivors’ treatments – and their lives after cancer.

Breast Cancer Stories  |  Lung Cancer Stories


Donna Ferguson portrait photo, head and shoulders

Donna, breast cancer survivor

After Donna beat breast cancer in 2006, she didn’t dream she’d have to fight it again less than seven years later. This time, she turned to Ballad Health’s cancer practice in Johnson City. Now, a year later, Donna was (and remains) completely cancer-free.

Read the rest of Donna’s story here.

Kathleen Hutchinson photo, head shot

Kathaleen, breast cancer survivor

When Kathaleen noticed a knot on her breast, she thought she had just hit something. Though a mammogram six months before was normal, new tests showed Stage 3 cancer. Her next step proved key to managing her unexpected journey.

Read the rest of Kathaleen’s story here.

Juanita Vaughn portrait photo, head and shoulders

Juanita, breast cancer survivor

When Juanita noticed a large lump two months after a mammogram reported normal results, her doctor sent her back for another screening and an ultrasound. Though the lump didn’t appear to be cancer, she elected to have it removed. Thank goodness she did.

Read the rest of Juanita’s story here.


Rita Chafin portrait photo, head and shoulders

Rita, lung cancer survivor

The cold symptoms just wouldn’t go away. Finally, Rita went to the doctor and got an antibiotic. Still, the congestion and struggle to breathe continued, so her doctor ordered a chest X-ray. Her world stopped when the results showed a malignant tumor in her lung.

Read the rest of Rita’s story here.

Mike Horton portrait photo, head and shoulders

Mike, lung cancer survivor

Mike wasn’t wheezing, sneezing or showing any signs of a lung problem. But his wife noticed he didn’t have the energy he used to. Dr. Roger Archer knew Mike to be a former smoker and recommended a free lung screening. That screening saved his life.

Read the rest of Mark’s story here.