Quality Reporting at Ballad Health

Quality is important to Ballad Health, and we know it is important to you as you make choices about your healthcare. We want to be sure you can freely and easily access the information you need to make important decisions about your healthcare.

Hospital Compare

To help you access this information, we have provided the menu below, where you can compare our hospitals’ quality scores against the average scores of all hospitals across the nation, as well as those within Tennessee and Virginia.

Select a facility to see its Hospital Compare page:

Hospital Compare - home page

How Hospital Compare works

The scores come from The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) the U.S. government agency that runs the Medicare program. CMS tallies and reports scores for areas where there are clear, evidence-based guidelines for treating certain medical conditions.

Other Hospital Compare resources

Some additional tools to guide you in understanding the Hospital Compare information:

Soon, we will replace these links with the most current quality and patient satisfaction scores from all Ballad Health hospitals.

COPA reporting

View our current Quality COPA Scorecard [PDF, 0.3 MB] and Priority Metrics Scorecard [PDF, 424 KB].

You can learn more about the COPA (in Tennessee) and cooperative agreement (in Virginia).

Metrics by MS-DRG

MS-DRGs are Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups. Posted below are fiscal year 2024 (July 2023 to June 2024) metrics.

MS-DRG metrics by Ballad Health facility


If you have questions about the information on Hospital Compare or the scores of Ballad Health hospitals, you can email us at quality.info@balladhealth.org.