Inpatient Behavioral Health Care


If mental illness or substance abuse puts your well-being or a loved one’s health at serious risk, seek inpatient behavioral health care at a Ballad Health hospital.

You’ll find around-the-clock services for ages 6 and older in a safe setting centered on building a path to recovery.

Inpatient mental health services

Kind therapists, social workers or doctors will talk with your family to create a well-rounded treatment plan that might include:

  • Psychiatric evaluation – Reviews how you think, feel, act and remember
  • Group, family and individual therapy – Offers opportunities to talk with a licensed counselor one-on-one or with other people about ways to solve problems and feel better
  • 12-step meetings – Support addiction recovery
  • Activity groups – Provide fun, useful tasks that build life skills
  • Exercise groups – Improve strength, mood and endurance
  • Medication education group – Explains the right way to use certain medicines
  • Social work – Helps your family find ways to fulfill everyday needs, such as transportation, housing, food and getting care for people who can’t be left alone
  • Physical therapy – Teaches exercises that build strength and flexibility
  • Dietary consult – Shows how to choose and prepare nutritious, tasty foods
  • Family education – Explains how to help and live with someone who has a mental illness
  • Expressive therapy – Involves art, music, movement, creative writing, theater and nature
  • Pet therapy – Provides calming visits with dogs, cats or other animals

Family involvement

You or your loved one will do best with support.

We’ll involve your trusted family members in behavioral health care whenever it’s helpful.

When you or a loved one arrives at the hospital, you’ll learn about family therapy opportunities, behavioral health conditions, and visiting hours and guidelines.

Where can I find inpatient mental health care?

Take advantage of facilities specially designed for people like you or your loved one. You can refer someone to us even if he or she doesn’t want to get care right now.

Children & teens

Your child age 6 through 17 will appreciate the caring, comfortable environment at Ballad Health Woodridge Hospital’s 12-bed Willow Unit. Ask us if your 18-year-old high-school student qualifies, too.

Reach the Willow Unit in Johnson City any time during a crisis by calling our Respond hotline at 1-800-366-1132.


Expect close, continual care for people age 18 and older at:

Senior citizens

Find inpatient services for people age 55 and older at:

  • Dickenson Hospital’s Green Oak Behavioral Health Unit
  • Russell County Hospital’s Clearview Psychiatric Center
  • Sycamore Shoals Hospital’s New Leaf Senior Care
  • Woodridge Hospital’s Spruce Unit

Move on to outpatient care

To keep making progress after leaving the hospital, enroll in a Ballad Health intensive outpatient mental health program or explore the wide range of outpatient behavioral health services available through our neighbors at Frontier Health.

Continue to get care as long as possible to stay well long-term.