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Led by a team of board certified pathologists, our laboratories offer our region comprehensive expertise in anatomic and clinical pathology.
Attention to detail is of paramount importance, as are rapid turnaround of test results and close communication with treating providers to ensure optimal patient care.
Areas of expertise offered by the pathology departments include:
Surgical pathology is the subspecialty of pathology practice dealing with microscopic examination of tissue and integration of these observations into a meaningful interpretation.
State-of-the-art methods are used to provide timely and accurate diagnoses, including intra-operative frozen section interpretations.
The technique of immunohistochemical analysis of human tissue has revolutionized pathology practice. Our laboratories have immunohistochemistry technology and provide comprehensive diagnostic services for a wide range of antigenic markers using automated staining methods.
The laboratories strive to provide accurate, timely immunohistochemical analysis using a broad array of antibodies to assist in pathologic analysis of paraffin-embedded material.
Cytopathology is a branch of pathology that studies and diagnoses diseases on the cellular level, using diagnostic techniques that examine cells from various body sites. The laboratories specialize in both gynecologic and non-gynecologic cytology.
One of the most common tests performed is the Pap test, often called a Pap smear. It is one of the most successful cancer screening tools ever developed.
A full range of services are offered including SurePath™ and ThinPrep™ liquid-based Pap tests. State-of-the-art imaging systems are used for both types of liquid-based Pap tests, as well as expert screening by experienced ASCP board-certified cytotechnologists.
A full range of ancillary tests are available for detecting human papilloma virus (HPV), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC), Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and other infectious diseases.
The cytology department also provides fine needle aspiration (FNA) services. By working directly with multiple disciplines such as radiology, pulmonology and gastroenterology – and providing on-site immediate evaluation of FNA specimens – the collection of quality specimens is ensured. This helps eliminate the need for repeat procedures.
Pathologists are available throughout Ballad Health for clinical consultation for laboratory testing including blood banking, chemistry, hematology, coagulation and microbiology.
We also provide oversight for all laboratory regulatory requirements and quality assurance programs.
In addition to board-certified pathologists, laboratory staff includes board-certified pathologist assistants and ASCP board-certified histologic technicians, who prepare microscopic slides of the highest quality for interpretation by the pathologist.
For more information regarding specimen collection protocols, certificates and accreditations and lab locations, please contact one of our pathology partners below: