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Disclaimer: Ballad Health does not sponsor, endorse or recommend any product or resource listed in the marketplace.
Visit a Ballad Health Pharmacy in Northeast Tennessee or Southwest Virginia for the medicines and home health care supplies your doctor says you need.
Your pharmacy team members get to know you and your needs so they can guide you to services, information and products that promote a healthier life.
Walk in for testing and receive treatment in the same quick visit at a Ballad Health pharmacy near you. We can test for:
Each test is a $50 flat fee. We will bill your pharmacy insurance for any medications prescribed by our pharmacist. Services are available at all Ballad Health Pharmacy locations. Ages 13 and older can receive all rapid tests. Call 423-926-6154 to confirm the age range for each test and to ask any questions you may have about pharmacy services.
Find a Ballad Health pharmacy near you.
Request a refill from a Ballad Health Pharmacy, transfer a prescription to us and view previous prescriptions we've filled for you.
Transfer or Refill Your Prescription
You can trust the quality and safety of the products you buy at Ballad Health pharmacies. That’s because medical care teams approve many items we stock.
Ask us for help finding everything you need for your family’s well-being.
Breastfeed more conveniently and comfortably when you purchase:
Make home life easier and safer with items such as:
Get routine vaccinations for your whole family to prevent conditions such as:
Ask for special immunizations you may need before traveling to another country.
If your body receives medicine or nutrition through a needle or tube, a pharmacist can help you understand what to expect and how to take care of yourself.
Your medical team can rely on Ballad Health pharmacy services for the products and services needed to give you infusion care.
Help heal small and large wounds with special medicines and creams that can relieve infections, control bacteria, improve blood flow and ease pain.
Ask the pharmacy team for help finding the wound treatment you need.