Hospice Care – Russell County Hospital

When illnesses no longer respond to treatment or when the patient has a life-limiting illness, hospice provides a special kind of care for patients and families.

Hospice care is about quality of life, regardless of the time that remains.

It is focused on the patient and family and is designed to:

  • Provide support and care for those in the last phases of a life-limiting illness
  • Recognize that completing life is an important part of living
  • Affirm life and neither hasten nor postpone death
  • Focus on quality of life for individuals and their family caregivers

About our hospice program

Hospice care at Russell County Hospital affirms quality of life and provides comfort care, spiritual care and emotional care while maintaining patient dignity.

Your loved one will benefit from a team-oriented approach to expert medical care, pain management and emotional and spiritual support. And this care and support are tailored to the patient’s needs and wishes.

Hospice provides:

  • Medications
  • Durable medical equipment
  • And other supplies and services related to the life-limiting illness

In addition to care by the hospice team, short-term inpatient care is covered for pain and symptom management and for respite care.