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Our first leadership recipient is Chris Miller, chief experience and outcomes officer at Johnson City Medical Center. Chris couldn’t be here tonight to receive his award but we want to say a little bit about him in his absence.
Chris is a leader who consistently demonstrates compassion, humility and servant leadership. He serves as associate administrator and chief experience and outcomes officer at JCMC, and he’s the perfect person for this position because of how much he cares about our patients and team members.
He has been known to use his personal funds to support visitors and team members. He comes into work at night and on weekends to support his team, and he was even at the hospital on Christmas Eve, rounding in all the departments and thanking those who had to work. When a team member had major surgery for cancer, he requested that Chris be present to pray for him and to visit after surgery.
Chris is passionate about caring for babies who suffer from neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), so he and his wife adopted a baby with NAS. Chris was recently invited to Washington, D.C., to share his experiences and help bring awareness to this issue.
Last year, Chris called together the leaders in his department and challenged them to complete a service project outside the hospital during that month. The group decided to help serve lunch at The Melting Pot, a local soup kitchen for the underserved in Johnson City. The team was so inspired by this project, they decided to continue doing it regularly, so now Chris and the group cook for and serve food to about 200 people every month.
Throughout his daily life, Chris shows he has a mission to serve others.
Our current Servant’s Heart Award winners
Our 2018 Servant’s Heart Award winners