Dietary Services at Laughlinealthcare Center


Laughlin Healthcare’s Dietary Department is dedicated to meeting each resident’s individual needs while making their meal time experience one of choices and quality in a home like setting.

The following are some of the many services offered:

  • Menus written in-house and changed every three months with the seasons. These are based on what the majority of our residents prefer.
  • Flexible mealtimes based on the resident’s normal routine.
  • Select menus
  • Foods and beverages available are chosen from the highest quality offered by our vendors.
  • Liberalized therapeutic diets which meet the requirements, but offer more choices.
  • A complete range of strict therapeutic diets is offered for the more critically ill.
  • All residents are assessed to determine their nutritional status upon admission and periodically with changes in condition. This is based on all diagnoses, lab values, history, body size, skin condition and any other item affected their condition.
  • Individual plans of care are written to improve or maintain their nutritional status.
  • Successful weight and wound care programs in conjunction with nursing.
  • Close contact with physicians regarding your resident’s nutritional status.
  • A professional chef is on staff to oversee the cooks and to assist in assuring the highest level of service is achieved on a daily basis.
  • Our managers are Serve Safe Certified to assure safety in food storage and handling.
  • Dietary staff has an ongoing in-service program to assure all regulations are followed and job performance is consistent. They must pass written exams to assure their knowledge.
  • All Laughlin Healthcare Center employees are offered a select menu daily for a nominal fee.
  • Families and friends may purchase a meal ticket at a small fee whenever they wish to eat with their loved ones.
  • Dietary provides all food items for all our parties and we have the best parties in town!