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If you're diagnosed with COVID-19, it's possible that your doctor may recommend the Ballad Health Safe at Home program.
Safe at Home virtual treatment allows your care team to supervise your condition from home. Eligible patients receive special equipment that monitors their vitals, helping them avoid an unnecessary hospital stay.
If you're concerned you might be ill, you can make an appointment online for a COVID-19 test at one of our testing sites.
The Ballad Health Safe at Home program was developed to assist COVID patients who may not need in-patient care at a Ballad Health facility but would benefit from at-home monitoring.
This program ensures that all patients can get the care they need, while also conserving hospital beds for those who need them.
Safe at Home referrals are available for any qualifying adult or pediatric patients visiting a Ballad Health emergency department, urgent care or primary care office.
If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 and qualify for the Safe at Home program, you'll be sent home with a kit, which includes:
These devices give you and your care team the information needed to make decisions about your condition and ensure that you can seek appropriate and timely care when necessary.
The Safe at Home telehealth program uses your MyChart account to track your symptoms, evaluate any changes and help you get additional care when you need it.
Learn more about our MyChart patient portal.
Once your treatment begins, you'll be asked to take your vital signs with both devices at least twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. This monitoring questionnaire will be completed in your Ballad Health MyChart and will be reviewed by our Safe at Home team. This questionnaire can be done through both the MyChart Patient Portal and the Ballad Health mobile app.
A member of our team will contact you once a day to verify your status and review your vital signs.
Please follow the guidelines below to keep yourself, and those around you, safe while you're at home:
Stay home from work and school.
Isolate yourself from your family and wear a face mask as much as possible.
Monitor your symptoms using the Daily Self-Monitoring Log provided. Provide the results to the Safe at Home monitoring team member when they contact you.
Get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.
If you have a medical appointment, call the healthcare provider prior to your appointment and let them know you have COVID-19.
Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
If your condition or symptoms get worse, reach out to your doctor or seek medical care. If you're experiencing severe symptoms, please seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or visiting your nearest emergency room.
Examples of severe symptoms are, but not limited to:
Reach out to our team at if you have any questions about the Safe at Home treatment program.
Ballad Health offers resources for those still dealing with lingering issues post-COVID, including:
Center for Post-COVID Care that provides a full range of services to patients who are living with long-lasting symptoms after their diagnosis
COVID-19 Support Groups are available for anyone who's struggling physically or emotionally while recovering, with meetings held virtually every week