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Disclaimer: Ballad Health does not sponsor, endorse or recommend any product or resource listed in the marketplace.
Behavioral health or mental health – how you think, feel and act – matters just as much as your physical health.
Our relationships and moods require care, just like our bodies. Ballad Health has developed a system of behavioral health services that give you and your loved ones the tools you can use to enjoy a more satisfying, productive life.
If you are living with substance abuse or any other mental health issue and you need immediate assistance, please reach out to our 24/7 intervention help line at 1-800-366-1132.
You and your family members may benefit from behavioral healthcare for any condition that affects mood, thinking and behavior.
When you need inpatient care, choose Woodridge Hospital – a facility accredited by The Joint Commission and the only dedicated inpatient mental health hospital in East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.
Peerhelp is a program that offers assistance for those who are experiencing substance use issues, depression or anxiety, and relationship struggles.
You can speak with a certified peer recovery specialist who has personally experienced behavioral health challenges in their lives.
Learn more about PEERhelp recovery.
Ballad Health Strong Futures is bringing a healing approach to addiction and mental healthcare for mothers, expectant mothers and stepmother in the Appalachian Highlands.
Strong Futures provides an array of multi-generational outpatient services and resources for families, such as counseling, relapse prevention and intensive care management.