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Elective Surgeries Resumed 10/4/2024
The boil water notice in Kingsport has been lifted, so Holston Valley Medical Center and Indian Path Community Hospital will resume elective surgeries beginning Friday, Oct. 4.
Holston Valley Medical Center has partnered with and served Kingsport, TN, and the surrounding region for more than 80 years. Every day, physicians, nurses, team members and volunteers work together providing exceptional healthcare to the patients and families we serve.
Holston Valley features:
Holston Valley continues to be recognized among the best hospitals in Tennessee and nationwide.
Holston Valley was the first site in Tennessee to offer transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) surgery for patients who are at higher risk for open-heart surgery.
Along with the U.S.News recognition, Holston Valley holds many accolades and recognitions, including:
Top 10% in the Nation
Top 10% in the Nation
Major cardiac surgery
Learn more about other Holston Valley and Ballad Health awards and recognitions.
A full range of specialty and subspecialty care services and some of the most advanced diagnostic and surgical techniques are available at Holston Valley, including:
Holston Valley Medical Center offers robotic-assisted surgery with the da Vinci® and Mako SmartRobotics™ robotic systems. These less invasive surgical systems significantly reduce the recovery time and pain for patients.
Learn more about robotic-assisted surgery.
For Ballad Health to best serve the people of the Appalachian Highlands, we survey and conduct focus groups to get a read on overall health in the region. To read about the Hoston Valley Medical Center’s Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), visit our CHNA page.
Please visit our Price Transparency page for a full listing of standard charges by facility.
You can learn more about pre-visit coordination and registration here and about payment options here.
Please visit our Ballad Health MS-DRG metrics page for a full listing of MS-DRG metrics by facility.
*MS-DRGs are Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups.
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